It seems there no end to curiosity from OnePlus regarding their flagship OnePlus 5.After so many rumors,leaks, press renders now the company is asking your opinions through online poll for the retail box design. OnePlus on Wednesday started a poll on Chinese microblogging site Weibo for users to select the style of box that they would like to see for upcoming OnePlus 5. So we can say launch is near. The company has put up eight retail box design for the poll with different possible font design of number ‘5’, and two colour combinations of box, logo and printing in Red & White. All boxes have ‘5’ written along with OnePlus logo, whereas only one retail box in red gets ‘Hello 5’ written instead. So, if you have a Weibo account then you can also head over to cast your vote for the poll. OnePlus has already confirmed that the OnePlus 5 is launching this summer, but ahead of the release the company is also putting up teasers to keep con...
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